Obesity has serious health consequences , and a substantial economic impact on Australia.
ACE-Obesity Policy is a priority-setting study that aimed to evaluate the economic credentials of a range of obesity prevention policies (including both regulatory and program-based interventions), across multiple sectors and multiple areas of governance (local, state and federal governments, and the private sector).
The study formed part of the broader body of work of the National Health and Medical Research Council funded Centre of Research Excellence in Obesity Policy and Food Systems (APP1041020: 2012-2018), and answered the research question:
“What are the most effective, cost-effective, affordable and implementable policy options to prevent obesity across a range of settings?”
Assessing Cost-effectiveness of Obesity Prevention Policies in Australia
Download an electronic version of the Assessing Cost-effectiveness of Obesity Prevention Policies in Australia (ACE-Obesity Policy) report.
Intervention reports
The results from each of the obesity policy interventions evaluated are presented in four-page summary reports. These reports are designed to provide an overview of each intervention.

League table
Results from the cost-effectiveness analyses are presented in a league table ranked by incremental cost-effectiveness ratios in order from the most to the least cost-effective interventions.
Download a pdf version of the league table here.

Implementation considerations
Implementation considerations provide a comparative assessment of how the interventions performed against important criteria difficult to capture in the quantitative analyses, including strength of evidence, equity, acceptability, feasibility and sustainability.
Download a pdf version of the results of implementation considerations here.